
This repository will guide you through the process of integrating Specflow tests with Vansah Test Management for Jira to automatically send test case results.

Primary LanguageC#

Specflow Integration with Vansah Test Management for Jira

This tutorial guides you through the process of integrating Specflow tests with Vansah Test Management for Jira to automatically send test case results.

By following this setup, you can streamline your testing workflow, ensuring that test outcomes are recorded directly in your Jira workspace.


  • SpecFlow project setup in Visual Studio.
  • Make sure that Vansah is installed in your Jira workspace
  • You need to Generate Vansah connect token to authenticate with Vansah APIs.



  • Create/Update specflow.json into your Testing Project: Configure to recognize VansahBinding assembly.
  "stepAssemblies": [
      "assembly": "VansahBinding"
  • Add VansahBinding as Project Reference into your Project *.csproj file
    <ProjectReference Include="..\..\..\VansahBinding\VansahBinding.csproj" />
  • Setting Environment Variables: Store your Vansah API token as an environment variable for security.

For Windows (use cmd)

setx VANSAH_TOKEN "your_vansah_api_token_here"

For macOS

echo 'export VANSAH_TOKEN="your_vansah_api_token_here"' >> ~/.bash_profile

source ~/.bash_profile

For Linux (Ubuntu, Debian, etc.)

echo 'export VANSAH_TOKEN="your_vansah_api_token_here"' >> ~/.bashrc

source ~/.bashrc
  • Use of Test Run Properties

Go to your downloaded VansahSpecflow.cs and uncomment the Sprint, Release and Environment details as per your requirement

       //Update these Values with your Project Test Run properties
        private static String _sprintName = "SM Sprint 1";
        private static String _releaseName = "Release 24";
        private static String _environmentName = "SYS";
          Other functions
        private void SendTestResultToVansah(String testCaseKey, String result)
            //Process 1

            // Uncomment the below values if required; note: do not uncomment if not used.
            // vansah.SprintName = _sprintName;
            // vansah.release_Name = _releaseName;
            // vansah.environment_Name = _environmentName;

            //Next process


Writing Features

Use BDD statements to link scenarios with Vansah:

When the Test Case key is Test-C8 And the Issue Key is Test-2
When the Test Case key is Test-C9 And the Test Folder ID is b97fe80b-0b6a-11ee-8e52-5658ef8eadd5

Usage Examples

View our Sample feature file

Feature: Calculator

Scenario: Add two number
	Given the first number is 50
	And the second number is 70
	When the two numbers are added
	When the Test Case key is Test-C8 And the Issue Key is Test-2
	Then the result should be 120

Scenario: Subtract two numbers
	Given the first number is 50
	And the second number is 25
	When the two numbers are subtracted
	When the Test Case key is Test-C9 And the Test Folder ID is b97fe80b-0b6a-11ee-8e52-5658ef8eadd5
	Then the result should be 25


Run your tests as usual. Results automatically sync with Vansah.


By following these steps, you can efficiently manage your test cases and results in Vansah Test Management for Jira, improving the visibility and traceability of your testing efforts.

For more details on Specflow, visit the Specflow documentation.

For Vansah specific configurations and API details, please refer to the Vansah API documentation.