
A simple stepper for react native.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Platform npm version npm version License


A super simple react-native stepper implementation. Check out the props below for customization.

This package was inspired in react-native-simple-stepper develop by Brian.


This is my first package with react-native and i need a stepper implementation that i could use any type of component as a stepper button.


npm i react-native-stepper --save


import Stepper from 'react-native-stepper'


render() {
  return (


        decreaseComponent={(<Icon family="Ionicons" name="remove" style={stepperStyle.iconStyle} />)}
        increaseComponent={(<Icon family="Ionicons" name="add" style={stepperStyle.iconStyle} />)}
        valueChanged={(value) => this.onChangeDurationFilter(value)}



onChangeDurationFilter(value) {
  // ... update your app state here


Attention !!!

I do not provide any style or default component for decrease and increase buttons, you must provide both. To implement your style you must follow the schema below.

const stepperStyle = StyleSheet.create({
  containerStyle: {
    flexDirection: 'row'
  decreaseButtonStyle: {
    padding: 0,
    borderWidth: 2,
    borderRightWidth: 1,
    borderColor: 'red',
    borderTopLeftRadius: 4,
    borderBottomLeftRadius: 4
  increaseButtonStyle: {
    padding: 0,
    borderWidth: 2,
    borderLeftWidth: 1,
    borderColor: 'red',
    borderTopRightRadius: 4,
    borderBottomRightRadius: 4




| Name | Type |Description | Default | ------------ | ------------- | ------------ |------------ |------------ | | initValue | Number | Initial value. | 0 | minValue | Number | The minimum value that stepper counter can achieve. | - | maxValue | Number | The maximum value that stepper counter can achieve. | - | maxValue | Number | The max value that stepper counter can achieve. | 1 | decreaseComponent | Component | Component that will be rendered as decrease button | <Text>-</Text> | increaseComponent | Component | Component that will be rendered as increase button | <Text>-</Text> | style | StyleSheet Object | Style that will be applied in your stepper component | - | valueChanged | Function | Fires when the value changes and the value will be passed down for processing like display or calculations. | FALSE | minMessage | String or Function | Message fired when stepper achieve the minimum value | null | maxMessage | String or Function | Message fired when stepper achieve the maximum value | null | ignoreMinValidation | Boolean | !!! | FALSE | ignoreMaxValidation | Boolean | !!! | FALSE