
Real-time results of JMeter performance test execution.

Primary LanguageDockerfile

JMeter InfluxDB Grafana Docker container

This container setup allows you to immediately synchronize JMeter results with InfluxDB and visualize what is happening in real time.

Grafana Dashboard


Please make sure both docker and docker-compose are installed.

Build JMeter docker image

docker build -t jmeter jmeter-docker

Start InfluxDB and Grafana

docker-compose up -d

Adjust JMeter script

Define 2 variables on the Test Plan component.

Name Value
STARTDATETIME ${__time(yy-MM-dd-HH:mm:ss:SSS)}

Add & configure the Backend Listener in Jmeter.

JMeter Backend Listener

Name Value
influxdbMetricsSender org.apache.jmeter.visualizers.backend.influxdb.HttpMetricsSender
influxdbUrl http://${__P(INFLUXDB_HOST, localhost)}:8086/write?db=jmeter_results
measurement jmeter
summaryOnly false
samplersRegex .*
percentiles 90;95;99
testTitle Test name

Run JMeter script

./run-specific-jmeter-script.sh example.jmx

Filter the correct testrun in Grafana

Grafana Filter

It is the concatenation of CLIENTNAME and STARTDATETIME.


Inspired by https://www.blazemeter.com/blog/make-use-of-docker-with-jmeter-learn-how

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