
AutoUpdated Bitcoin Ledger


AutoUpdated Bitcoin Ledger

Feel free to cast some magic internet money my way, maybe I'll buy a talking goat or maybe I'll just use it to increase my BAC: 16h7VjxsBynUxHhs4zd3DnmnhhkkqSMRjU

13.12.12 - Fixed a few small errors I found, Added SMS/Email Price Alert.

13.12.10 - Added a more user friendly buy/sell function and minimized gains calc (for tax purposes)

13.12.9 - Added Settings tab w/ auto update interval and exchange server options - Removed all security now fully open source and updated calculator (done for tonight, will update if there are more requests) - Removed the security on the visual basic code per popular demand. Enjoy! - Opened up window size modification that was accidentally locked down as pointed out by /u/josmul123 - finished current value override as requested by /u/drogean2 - Added adjustable sell for % and override for current value (in calculator only right now, will add override functionality for full spreadsheet as well) requested by /u/drogean2

13.12.6 - Allowed override to coinbase fee and the bank fee (in case these don't apply)