If you are a gopher, you wrote a AWK script for some task.
$ awk '{if $1>10 {print}}' some.txt
awk: syntax error at source line 1
context is
{if >>> $ <<< 1>10 {print}}
Ago is an alternative AWK for gophers.
$ ago '{if $1>10 {print}}' some.txt
15 You are a gopher!!
$ go get -u github.com/tesujiro/ago
$ echo A Long Time Ago | ago '{print "Hello, ",$NF,"!"}'
Hello, Ago !
$ printf "AAA\nBBB\nAAA\DDD" | ago '/A+/{++N};END{print N}'
$ printf "AAA\nAAA\nDDD\nDDD\n" | ago '!A[$0]++'
$ echo AAA BBB CCC AAA ZZZ AAA CCC | ago '{ for i=1; i<=NF; i++{ COUNT[$i]++ }} END{for (key in COUNT){ print key, COUNT[key] }}'
$ printf 'aaa,bbb,"ccc,ddd\neeee"\n' | ago -F , '{ ret=split($0,a,"\""); if(ret%2==0){ pLine=$0; pNF=NF; getline; NF=pNF+NF-1; $0=pLine $0}; print NF; print}'
$ echo 20 | ago 'BEGIN{ Factorial=func(x){ if x==1 {1} else { x*Factorial(x-1) }}} {print Factorial($1)}'
$ echo 12 34| ago '{ print func(a, b){return b, a}($1, $2) }'
34 12
under development
Please note that the language and command args may change at any time.
- var: CONVFMT
- print error with line number
- asort(),asort()
- import & call go library
- goroutine
- define variadic functions
- test command option
- {} block has a local scope. variables name beginning with uppercase are global, others are local.
- with "-g" option all variables have global scopes (same as AWK).
- multiple value assignment (ex. BEGIN{a,b=1,2})
- define func in action (ex. { swap=func(a,b){return b,a}; print swap("a","b"); } // b a )
- anonymous func (ex. { print func(a,b){return b,a}("a","b"); } // b a )
- "if", "for", "while" conditions do not need parentheses, statements need curly braces. (ex. for a<10 {a=a+1})
- atan2(0,-0)=0 (not Pi)
- number format: exponent format (ex.2e+3) and hexadecimal (ex.0x10) is supported, octal format (ex.0123) is NOT supported.
- A command can be piped to getline (ex. "date" | getline DATE), but the command is not invoked from shell, cannot use shell functions in the command.
- can set multiple chars to RS. (same as GAWK)
- Changing RS variable is valid only before scanning files. (Can change RS only in "BEGIN{}" rule.)
- All unicode character can be used for variable names(ex. ビール="beer!";print ビール)
- no bool literal (true/false->0/1)