
P-TET-000033 Rear port cover

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Need to create Rear port cover part.

It will be a housing cover plate for rear ports adapters that connect to ventilator #123

This ticket was opened after the work by @jgrano was completed. Creating ticket separate from the Rear port adapters #123 which was initially established for creation of rear cover


  • Openings cut at angle to match housing rear panel
  • No apparent mechanism designed for attaching plate to housing, options: bond with epoxy, glue, or drill and screw
  • Clearance between ports and opening ~2 mm
  • No part number embossed on body
  • Status (per week of August 24, 2020)
    • Ready for review
    • Design requires more updates

Rear port cover

Port clearance

@mechatroniks-git made some modifications to the design and iterated to P-TET-000033-1 (see image). He will also be printing this for the Alpha build, so the Assignment for this issue has been updated and the G-Sheet will also reflect this. These details come from a Slack DM at ~1700-1715 EDT on August 26, 2020.


Good for now, will reopen if we need it