
Source code and program file for the 1990 Amiga game Match Patch

Primary LanguageAssembly


Source code and program file for the 1990 Amiga game MatchPatch. A detailed article on the game's history and analyzing its function can be found here:


File listing

  • MatchPatch: Standalone main game executable. Uncompressed.
  • MatchPatch.DOC: Readme from Amiga Computing #33 (Feb 1991) coverdisk.
  • MatchPatch.S.asm: MatchPatch v1.0 source code (12-10-92) by SD.
  • MatchPatch.S.pp: Compressed version of the MatchPatch source as originally distributed. Identical to the other source file except for the compression.
  • MatchPatch.DOC.info, MatchPatch.S.info, MatchPatch.info, .info: Icon files.
  • MatchPatchDocs.txt: An excerpt from Amiga Computing #33 documenting the game and its cheat codes.
  • MatchPatch_mod: A hex-edited cheat version of Match Patch. It gives you 99 lives.
  • maps.md: Maps extracted from the game.
  • README.md: This file.

Historic files have been committed with the original date, usually the filedate from the Amiga Computing coverdisk. Commits of this sort can be done like so:

git add MatchPatch.S.asm

GIT_AUTHOR_DATE="Fri 12 Oct 12:00:00 GMT 1990" GIT_COMMITTER_DATE="Fri 12 Oct 12:00:00 GMT 1990" git commit -m "Adding MatchPatch.S.asm at historic date"


MatchPatch is Copyright © 1991 Amiga Computing.

"MatchPatch was written in assembly language (Devpac 2) by Stephen Winstanley. It may be offered for download on bulletin boards provided it is made available as a free download." (Amiga Computing #33, Feb 1991, p.32)