Move OIDC token acquisition out of your app code and into the Istio mesh
- 3
#79 opened by sbko - 7
Platform1: Jwt is not in the form of Header.Payload.Signature with two dots and 3 sections
#41 opened by sbko - 0
- 2
Platform1: proto: (line 24:5): error parsing "trusted_certificate_authority", oneof authservice.config.v1.oidc.OIDCConfig.trusted_ca_config is already set"
#46 opened by sbko - 1
Platform1: invalid OIDC override from chain[jaeger].filter[0]: must not be root path: invalid logout path
#37 opened by sbko - 0
Take care of the authservice image size
#56 opened by sergicastro - 0
Support loading certs from Kubernetes secrets
#24 opened by ZackButcher - 3
Platform1: Pass the trusted CA from the OIDC config to the HTTP GET call just like POST
#39 opened by sbko - 0
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