
exchange messages between peers using http+sse

Primary LanguageJavaScript


exchange messages between peers using http+sse.


fork a server:

$ moshpit -p 5000

ping and pong:

var pit = require('moshpit')('http://localhost:5000');

var initiator = pit();

initiator.on('connect', function (data) {
  var initiatorId = data.cid;

    .on('join', function (data) {
      var peerId = data.cid;

        message: 'ping ' + data.cid,
        from: initiatorId,
        _cid: peerId
    .on('signal', function (data) {

  var peer = pit(data.id);

  peer.on('signal', function (data) {
      message: 'pong ' + data.from,
      _cid: data.from // omit this to send a broadcast message


var pit = require('moshpit')(uri)

var peer = pit(id)

Returns a duplex object stream that takes in broadcast (or direct) messages as input and produces rows of [event label, message body] pairs.

This connects to the moshpit http server at given url (optionally at given channel specified by id) and starts a server-sent events stream. Writing to peer makes a POST request to send supplied data.

You can immediately start writing objects to peer, it will buffer up writes until the sse connection is made. When the sse connection is established, the connect event will be emitted.

var pit = require('moshpit')('http://localhost:5000');

var owner = pit();
owner.on('data', console.log.bind(null));
owner.write({ 'hello': 'me' });


[ 'connect',
  { id: 'a1ad1a210063392d29027dbdd5fc9dd7',
    cid: 'a31b6b15326ca2907b3b492df1e6385a',
    token: '3b970f792805fd3081b058a5655a534d' } ]
[ 'signal', { hello: 'me' } ]

If id is not supplied, server creates a new channel and assigns an id to it. The peer that created this channel, becomes the initiator or owner. When owner leaves, all connections are closed and the channel is destroyed.

To join an existing channel, you pass id of it:

var peer = pit('a1ad1a210063392d29027dbdd5fc9dd7');
peer.on('data', console.log.bind(null));


[ 'connect',
  { id: 'a1ad1a210063392d29027dbdd5fc9dd7',
    cid: 'a31b6b15326ca2907b3b492df1e6385a',
    token: '3b970f792805fd3081b058a5655a534d' } ]

When peer joins, owner is also dispatched a join event with peer's cid. Likewise when it leaves, a leave event will be emitted.

pushing broadcast messages

peer.write({ boom: 'boom' });

pushing direct messages

_cid property is reserved to send direct messages:

  boom: 'boom',
  _cid: 'a31b6b15326ca2907b3b492df1e6385a'


peer.on('connect', function (data))

Emitted when the sse connection is established. data contains:

  • id of the connected channel
  • cid is connection id that identifies this peer
  • token is a secret value which is internally used to authenticate

peer.on('signal', function (data))

Emitted when a signal is received.

owner.on('join', function (data))

Emitted when a new peer is subscribed. data contains cid of the joining client.

owner.on('leave', function (data))

Emitted when a peer leaves, data contains cid of the leaving client.


var createApp = require('moshpit/app')

var app = createApp()

Returns a koa application which is a thin wrapper around koa-signal and koa-cors.


usage: moshpit {options}

  --help, -h     show this message
  --version, -V  show version number
  --port, -p     listen for connections on this port
  --uid, -u      drop permissions to this uid
  --gid, -g      drop permissions to this gid

