
A helper library for managing ESM configuration on AWARE Framework

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

About ConfigFormatChecker

ConfigFormatChecker allows generating/checking the format of ESM configuration file for AWARE client by easy steps. The programs are composed of Python and you can utilize it as like a command.

ConfigFormatChecker has following functions:

Programs Note
template_generator.py Generating a template ESM configuration for AWARE client
flow_inserter.py Inserting esm_flows into an ESM configuration file
config_integrator.py Integrating ESM configuration files into an file
format_checker.py Checking a format for an ESM configuration file

Required Software/Library

  • Python3
  • JSON library on Python

How to Use


For generating the template, you need to give an export file name, notification hours, and ESM types. HOURS valus should select between 0 and 23. In addition, you can choose ESMs from 9 types of ESM: text(1), radio(2), checkbox(3), likert(4), quick answer(5), slider(6), datetime(7), PAM(8), and WEB(10).

$ python3 template_generator.py NEW_CONFIG SCHEDULE_ID HOURS TYPES [options]


Option Means Default Options
-s start date 06-23-2014 any Time
-e end date 06-23-2050 any Time
-r randomize min 0 more than 0
-p expiration min 0 more than 0
-m interface mode 0 0(=one-by-one mode) or 1(=single-line mode)

Actual Examples:

$ python3 template_generator.py master.json schedule1 9,12,15,18 text,radio,checkbox,likert,quick,slider,datetime,pam,web
$ python3 template_generator.py master.json schedule2 9,12,15 likert,likert,likert -s 06-22-2017 -e 06-22-2020 -i test_id
$ python3 template_generator.py master.json schedule3 9,12,15 likert,likert,likert -r 15 -p 15 -m 1


AWARE ESM supports to switch ESM by user answer. We call the function as esm_flows. flow_inserter.py allows inserting the logic into an ESM configuration file. The sample command is follow


Actual example:

$ python3 flow_inserter.py new_master.json master.json esm_schedule_3_0_liker YES:likert,NO:slider


ESM configuration file can have multiple ESM scedules in an configuration file. config_integrator.py allows integrating multiple ESM schedules into an new configuration file.

$ python3 config_integrator.py NEW_CONFIG CONFIG_1 CONFIG_2 CONFIG_3

Actual Example:

$ python3 config_integrator.py new_master.json master-1.json master-2.json master-3.json


You just give a link to the target configuration file for checking the file is valid or invalid.

$ python3 format_checker.py CONFIG_1

Actual Example:

$ python3 format_checker.py master.json

AWARE ESM format

Please refer the following link. http://www.awareframework.com/schedule-esms-for-aware-ios-client/