
This project the beginnings of a RESTful service representing a pet store. It is written using Java 17 + Webflux + Postgres on R2DBC. Originally, it was based on Swagger's Petstore API, but has been modified to better follow RESTful best practices.

The project is only in its infancy; only the following have been completed:

  • Ability to create a category
  • Ability to retrieve a paginated list of categories


Before running the service, you must have the following installed and on your path:

  • Java 17
  • Docker
  • psql (for initializing the database)

Running the service

The service is meant to be run inside a Docker container in the cloud. Spring gives us tools that make this really easy to do.

However, it's a bit trickier to get it to run locally correctly. Several steps have to be taken to make this work.

# Create a docker network, which will allow the database
# and the service containers to talk to each other
$ docker network create petstore-net

# Make sure you have the latest Postgres 14 image
$ docker pull postgres:14

# Create the postgres DB instance
$ docker run \
    --name petstore-db \
    --net petstore-net \
    -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=acoolpassword \
    -p 5432:5432 \
    -d \

# Create the database
$ psql -h -p 5432 -U postgres -c "CREATE DATABASE petstore;"
<Enter your password at the prompt; in this case it will be "acoolpassword">

# Run tests
$ ./gradlew clean build

# Create the service's docker image
# This will create a Docker image called pets-service:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
$ ./gradlew clean bootBuildImage

# Run the service
$ docker run \
    --name pets-service \
    --net petstore-net \
    -e DATASOURCE_URL='r2dbc:pool:postgresql://petstore-db:5432/petstore' \
    -e DATASOURCE_USERNAME='postgres' \
    -e DATASOURCE_PASSWORD='acoolpassword' \
    -p 8080:8080 \

A note about reactive pagination

There is some discussion in the community about whether it's a good idea to paginate APIs that are built on reactive streams. However, it is still necessary that reactive APIs have to return chunked pages of data from RESTful collections; otherwise, they would create serious performance blocks. I've chosen to implement pagination using a non-blocking list collection combined with Spring's Page object. This allows us to take full advantage of Webflux's performance improvements while also giving us the advantages of using traditional paging.

Future work

This section describes future improvements that need to be made to the service

  • CRUD endpoints for categories
  • Implement field validation for input models
  • Pet domain model
  • CRUD endpoints for pets
  • Search pets by status