This project implements some behaviour of find. To create the binary file write "make" in the terminal. To generate the documentation of the project, write "make doc" in the terminal. To launch a set of tests write "make test" To clean everything created by make, write "make clean". To use the algorithm write "./myfind [option] [folders]" Options: -d : myfind process each directory’s content before the directory itself. This option follows the BSD-family find, and not GNU-find, where -d is only an expression (not an option). By default, myfind visits directories in pre-order (before their contents). -H: myfind does not follow symbolic links, except if it is given in the command line. -L: myfind follows symbolic links. -P: myfind never follows symbolic links. This is the default behavior. If an error occurs while parsing the command line, the program write an error and stderr and exit 1. If an error occurs while parsing files, the programm continue it's flow and return 1 at the end of it. In other case the function returns 1. Exemples : make ./myfind ./myfind -d folder1 ./myfind -H . folder1 folder2 ./myfind -d -P -L folder1 folder2 folder3 make cleare