
Ansible role to configure redirectors for red team C2

Ansible role that allows for quickly deploying a redirector to an existing server with mod_rewrite proxy rules,

Supports Debian and Ubuntu, tested in Digital ocean and Azure

See threat.tevora.com/automating-redirector-deployment-with-ansible for a blog walking through redirectors, ansible, and a deep dive on this role

To get started, clone this repo, install ansible, and place this repo in your roles folder. See sample playbook below for an example of how to build your redirector instance config

Instance Playbook Sample provision_redirector_example.yml

- hosts: EnigmaticEmu
  gather_facts: False
  user: root
  - name: Install python for Ansible
    raw: test -e /usr/bin/python || (apt -y update && apt install -y python-minimal)
    changed_when: False
  - setup: # aka gather_facts 
  - include_role:
      name: redirectors
      le_email: 'threat@tevora.com'
      hop_dir: hops/empire_hop
      vhosts: [
          servername: 'fakeamazon.com',
          http_port: 80,
          https_port: 443,
          c2filters: [
              rewritefilter: '^/orders/track/?$',
              host: ''
          configs: [ 
            'RewriteRule !\.php$ https://www.amazon.com/%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=302]'
          servername: 'fakegoogle.com',
          http_port: 80,
          https_port: 443,
          config_files: [

Breakdown of the example:

  • - hosts: EnigmaticEmu This specifies the hosts the playbook will execute on. For this playbook to execute correclty, an inventory file must be used with the hostname or ip of engigmatic emu defined

  • gather_facts: False The ansible gather facts task breaks on newer versions of ubuntu with no python 2 installed we disable gather facts, so we can make sure to install python 2 first. This is just some compatability bootstrap stuff

  • user: root this specifies what user to logon to the remote server with, ansible performs all its configurations over ssh Change this to whatever user you want to use *if you need to sudo, may need to add become: true and call ansible-playbook with --ask-become-pass

  • pre_tasks:

    • these lines install python 2 if it is not there and run gather facts tasks: Now we've reached the good part, our playbook tasks!
  • - include_role: as you may imagine, this specfies a role to include, and the next line name: redirectors specifies to include our redirectors role

  • vars: here is where we do the meat of our config Our server contains three vars,le_email, hop_dir, and vhosts Le email is used to specify the email address we use for lets_encrypt, be sure to use one you control remember the hop_dir we used in the copy task of our role? Here is where it gets defined! The hop dir should located in ./files/ relative to the location of the playbook itself

  • hosts: [...] our vhosts variable is a list of vhost config dictionaires. This allows us to setup multiple vhosts with different domains and C2 profiles per server. Remember that this variable is a list, as it will be important in how we template our config files and other ways we use these variables in our redirectors role

  • servername: 'fakeamazon.com' this is the hostname of our server, and you MUST have a dns record for this hostname pointing at the IP of the server.

  • http_port and https_port are pretty self explanatory. Choose what ports http and https will listen on

  • notice before we go on we have multiple ways to define mod rewrite rules in the config. This is largely due to experimentation, and plans to integrate this playbook with a python API

  • c2filters: [...] a list of c2filter dicts Any request whose URI matches rewritefilter will proxy the connection to host

  • configs[...] a list of config strings Each string will be added to the file.

  • config_files[...] filename or path list of filenames or paths. The content of each file will be added to aache usefull for leveraging mod_rewrite automation tool output such as @Inspired-Secs awesome tool: https://blog.inspired-sec.com/archive/2017/04/17/Mod-Rewrite-Automatic-Setup.html

We formatted this config mostly in JSON (YAML is a superset of JSON) but you can format it however you like as long as it matches up.

Notice in the config how there are multiple vhosts, and each one can use one or more methods of specifying how it is injecting into the configuration templates

We create one configuration file per vhost is that Letsencrypt, specifically the certbot-apache component, does not support more than one vhost per config file. Because of this we will be provisioning multiple configuration files to the server.

Running the Playbook

To run the role. Create your playbook in the form of the example we covered and run ansible-playbook -i <your_hosts_file> <your_playbook>. Ensure that this roles is in the roles directory in the same path of your playbook, and your hop and/or config files are placed correctly. Your directory layout should look like:

├── my_playbook.yml
├── files
│   └── empire_hop
│       └── news
│           └── login.php
└── roles
    ├── redirectors
    │   ├── files
    │   ├── handlers
    │   │   └── main.yaml
    │   ├── meta
    │   ├── tasks
    │   │   ├── apache.yml
    │   │   ├── letsencrypt.yml
    │   │   └── main.yml
    │   ├── templates
    │   │   ├── apache_sslvhost.conf.j2
    │   │   └── apache_vhost.conf.j2
    │   └── vars