
Elixir bindings for MeCab, a Japanese morphological analyzer.

Primary LanguageElixirMIT LicenseMIT


Elixir bindings for MeCab, a Japanese morphological analyzer.


If available in Hex, the package can be installed as:

  1. Add mecab to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:
def deps do
  [{:mecab, "~> 1.0"}]
  1. Ensure mecab command is available for your environment:
# MacOS
brew install mecab mecab-ipadic


Further information is available at Hex Online Documentation

The way of parsing given string is as follows:

iex> Mecab.parse("今日は晴れです")
[%{"conjugation" => "",
   "conjugation_form" => "",
   "lexical_form" => "今日",
   "part_of_speech" => "名詞",
   "part_of_speech_subcategory1" => "副詞可能",
   "part_of_speech_subcategory2" => "",
   "part_of_speech_subcategory3" => "",
   "pronunciation" => "キョー",
   "surface_form" => "今日",
   "yomi" => "キョウ"},
 %{"conjugation" => "",
   "conjugation_form" => "",
   "lexical_form" => "は",
   "part_of_speech" => "助詞",
   "part_of_speech_subcategory1" => "係助詞",
   "part_of_speech_subcategory2" => "",
   "part_of_speech_subcategory3" => "",
   "pronunciation" => "ワ",
   "surface_form" => "は",
   "yomi" => "ハ"},
 %{"conjugation" => "",
   "conjugation_form" => "",
   "lexical_form" => "晴れ",
   "part_of_speech" => "名詞",
   "part_of_speech_subcategory1" => "一般",
   "part_of_speech_subcategory2" => "",
   "part_of_speech_subcategory3" => "",
   "pronunciation" => "ハレ",
   "surface_form" => "晴れ",
   "yomi" => "ハレ"},
 %{"conjugation" => "基本形",
   "conjugation_form" => "特殊・デス",
   "lexical_form" => "です",
   "part_of_speech" => "助動詞",
   "part_of_speech_subcategory1" => "",
   "part_of_speech_subcategory2" => "",
   "part_of_speech_subcategory3" => "",
   "pronunciation" => "デス",
   "surface_form" => "です",
   "yomi" => "デス"},
 %{"conjugation" => "",
   "conjugation_form" => "",
   "lexical_form" => "",
   "part_of_speech" => "",
   "part_of_speech_subcategory1" => "",
   "part_of_speech_subcategory2" => "",
   "part_of_speech_subcategory3" => "",
   "pronunciation" => ""
   "surface_form" => "EOS",
   "yomi" => ""}]

The way of parsing given file is as follows:

iex> Mecab.read!("sentences.txt")

Each parser function returns a list of map. The map's keys meanings is as follows.

  • surface_form: 表層形
  • part_of_speech: 品詞
  • part_of_speech_subcategory1: 品詞細分類1
  • part_of_speech_subcategory2: 品詞細分類2
  • part_of_speech_subcategory3: 品詞細分類3
  • conjugation_form: 活用形
  • conjugation: 活用型
  • lexical_form: 原形
  • yomi: 読み
  • pronunciation: 発音

See Also