
Primary LanguageJavaScript

BAMAZON: Sell Your Items and Track Your Inventory

An Amazon-like storefront. This app will take in orders from customers and deplete stock from the store's inventory. Track inventory, track sales.

Getting Started

Navigate to the folder you want to install this program. After cloning the repository, cd into the bamazon folder that clone created before running npm install. See step by step below.


  • clone this repository
  • cd into the bamazon folder
  • npm install (installs all the dependencies listed below.)
  • command are run in the terminal screen

Bamazon is a nodeJS program so there are dependencies required. Along with NodeJS (npm install node), you will need to run npm install for the following NPM programs:

Built With

  • NodeJS - Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform JavaScript run-time environment that executes JavaScript code outside of a browser.
  • mySQL - Open source database
  • Inquirer - A collection of common interactive command line user interfaces.

Screen Captures

Starting Database Database for the Bamazon Store

Customer Side - Show Inventory Shows the customer what is avaiable for purchase

Customer Side Purchase Allows customer to buy items

Database Updates Screenshot showing the updates to the database to reflect purchase

Manager Menu Options Menu of Manager options

View Low Inventory Shows the inventory items that have less than 5 items.

Add Inventory Shows database with updated new item.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details