
Dyson Sphere Program XL File

MIT LicenseMIT

Dyson Sphere Program Excel

Dyson Sphere Program Excel is a small helper for planning your next factory in Microsoft Excel. It contains most of the component recipes and can tell you how many inputs you require and what you will get as output when using X producers.

Screenshot 1

TL;DR: Direct download link.

It is intened to be used until someone creates a fancy pants website that will do these calculations better. Therefore, this file has several limitations.


  • Calculations are based on Assembler MK.II only (Production Speed 1x).
  • Not all recipes, especially buildings, are included.
  • There are most likely bugs I’m not aware off


Any constructive contribution is very welcome. If you encounter a bug or found something that is not correct, please create a new issue.

As this Excel file is a, somewhat, binary file, please do not send pull requests for the Excel file as I won’t be able to merge them correctly.


The Excel file was created by Michael Hex and is licensed under the MIT License. For details, please see LICENSE.txt.

The game Dyson Sphere Program is Copyright © 2021 Youthcat Studio and is not covered by the MIT License.