
SageMath plugin for GNU TeXmacs

Primary LanguageScheme


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SageMath is a built-in plugin in GNU TeXmacs. Sometimes, the built-in one does not work or does not meet your requirement. You may install the latest or the specific version of the plugin manually to $TEXMACS_HOME_PATH/plugins. The plugin under $TEXMACS_HOME_PATH will override the system one.

For GNU/Linux and macOS:

git clone https://github.com/texmacs/sage.git $HOME/.TeXmacs/plugins/sage

For Windows:

git clone https://github.com/texmacs/sage.git %APPDATA%\TeXmacs\plugins\sage

To switch to a specific version, use git checkout or modify it manually.

If Github is not available, just replace github with gitee. For example:

git clone https://gitee.com/texmacs/sage.git %APPDATA%\TeXmacs\plugins\sage