- 0
iPad keyboard
#1 opened by alexwarren - 4
- 1
Half my code deleted itself and will not reappear after refreshing or changing browsers
#18 opened by ohpeee - 0
Show compiler warnings
#5 opened by alexwarren - 1
ctrl+v pastes copied text twice
#8 opened by ketax - 0
Corrupt settings.json stops editor loading
#9 opened by alexwarren - 4
- 1
License statement in desktop.html
#10 opened by gmalone - 1
Find and Replace don't do anything
#12 opened by loopernow - 0
Font size preference
#4 opened by alexwarren - 3
UTF-8 not working in osx or windows
#6 opened by svenblum - 2
Replace Ace editor with CodeMirror?
#3 opened by alexwarren - 0
Accessibility option - plain text editor
#7 opened by alexwarren - 0
Alt+E shows "looks good!"
#2 opened by alexwarren