Summary of SmokeStack
- BouncyCastle.
- Client and server modes.
- Completed.
- Concurrent collections.
- Congestion control via SipHash.
- Cryptographic discovery.
- Eventful tasks. Limited polling.
- F-Droid.
- Infinite participants.
- Limit number of clients per listener.
- Local data recorded in SQLite via authenticated encryption.
- McEliece support.
- Only 16,000 lines of source!
- Private and public post offices via Ozone addresses.
- Private and public servers.
- Public-key server.
- Rainbow and Sphincs digital signatures.
- Reliable distribution of messages.
- SSL, TLS 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, ∞.
- SipHash-128.
- UDP multicast and unicast client services.