
Bookmarklet to cycle through country-specific tlds (e.g. google.com, google.co.uk, google.cz and back again)

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is a javascript browser bookmarklet that will help with the following use cases:

  • Cycle through search results on google.com, google.co.uk, google.fr, google.cz, google.foo
  • Cycle between amazon.com and amazon.co.uk prices and comments
  • Swap between fr.wikipedia.org/Foo, de.wikipedia.org/Foo, and xx.wikipedia.org/Foo

In short it swaps country-specific elements of the domain, which helps overcome geolocation defaults.


By default, the bookmarklet cycles .co.uk, .com, and .cz domains. This is configured in the MAPPINGS array.

By default, it swaps en.wikipedia… and cs.wikipedia…. This is configured in LANGUAGE_CODES array.

The TLDS_TO_IGNORE array configures which TLDs to ignore. By default this is:

‘gov’, ‘org’, ‘edu’, ‘mil’, ‘info’, ‘coop’, ‘jobs’, ‘mobi’, ‘museum’, ‘name’, ‘aero’, ‘net’, ‘tel’, ‘travel’, ‘arpa’, ‘pro’, ‘asia’, ‘localhost’


You need to test it from localhost. Testing requires [Firebug](http://www.getfirebug.com).


dotUdotMe will not work in Internet Explorer 6. IE6 only allows bookmarklets of about 500 characters (http://subsimple.com/bookmarklets/rules.asp).