
Simple PHP client for the Textmaster API

Primary LanguagePHP

PHP Textmaster API v1 client

Build Status Scrutinizer Code Quality Code Coverage

A simple Object Oriented wrapper for Textmaster API, written with PHP5.

Uses Textmaster API v1. The object API is very similar to the RESTful API.


  • Follows PSR-0/PSR-4 conventions and coding standard: autoload friendly
  • Light and fast thanks to lazy loading of API classes
  • Extensively tested and documented


  • PHP >= 5.3.3 with cURL extension,
  • Guzzle library,
  • (optional) PHPUnit to run tests.


$ php composer.phar require worldia/textmaster-api

Basic usage of php-textmaster-api client

$client = new \Textmaster\Client();
$projects = $client->projects()->all();

From $client object, you get access to the entire Textmaster api.


See the doc directory for more detailed documentation. [Yet to be written]


php-textmaster-api is unlicensed. You may not use it without worldia group sas' written consent.


Thanks to Textmaster for the high quality API and documentation.