- 0
Modified events save error
#27 opened by chittaranjan870 - 1
- 4
After Password chage it is not working
#25 opened by chittaranjan870 - 8
Dont fork or use this fork anymore
#24 opened by JodliDev - 8
Not syncing CalDAV events
#9 opened by filiparag - 4
PHP Errors - feof/fgets/array_merge
#18 opened by ner00 - 0
#20 opened by netfrettchen - 1
Roundcube 1.5 & Nextcloud calendar
#23 opened by quenenni - 1
- 1
Install on ubuntu 20.04
#21 opened by francoisPE - 7
- 2
Inaccurate date/time in interface
#19 opened by ner00 - 0
Calendar weeks out of sync
#17 opened by RaphDaMan - 1
Support for WebCal protocol
#8 opened by ScrumpyJack - 2
Sync does not seem to work?
#16 opened by hdijkema - 3
Problem when opening mail with Teams invite
#3 opened by Hallikas - 0
multiple users for the same caldav
#11 opened by M3catronix - 0
No log
#10 opened by denniskarlsson - 6
install with sqlite errror
#6 opened by guizmoau - 1
- 2
Caldav support?
#4 opened by ScrumpyJack - 1
- 13
- 1