
Sends console logs to the terminal

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This browser-sync plugin sends all console error logs to the terminal running browser sync.

Browser-sync Plugin

This is a minimal example of how to write a browser-sync plugin. A browser-sync plugin exports a function called plugin(). This will be called upon activation.

A browser-sync plugin can also provide data or functions to predefined hooks. In this project, we export hooks/client:js. This piece of string is concatenated with other 'client:js' hooks and executed on the browser.

This plugin also demonstrates browser-to-server communication via sockets. The browser can emit events using

___browserSync___.socket.emit(eventName, someObject);

The server registers interest in client events via

    function (newClient) {
        newClient.on("my.event", function () {

Launch from command line

npm install browser-sync-logger

node_modules/.bin/browser-sync start \
  --server . \
  --plugins browser-sync-logger

(alternatively) Launch with configuration file

in bs-config.js, set

module.exports = {
  "plugins": ["browser-sync-logger"],

Next, start browser-sync

browser-sync start --server -c bs-config.js


In your client script, try

    {"reason": "token validation failed."});

in the terminal that launched browser-sync, you should see

[ERROR] auth {reason: 'token validation failed'}