Better Grip - Hackathon - Open Banking


Today, gambling apps are so easily accessed. Can we help a gambler work out how much money they have been spending using Open Banking APIs?

Further, can we help gamblers set limits on how much they spend?


We aim to utilise Open Banking to monitor the user's behaviour on gambling/sport betting related sites/apps and overall financial wellbeing.

Key Features:

  • Trend and projection - historical and future projection of gambling spend and personal financial wellness
  • Display future impact calculator
  • Display the impact of gambling on their credit/borrowing risk profile
  • Support information – link the problem gambler to support services
  • Opt-out of gaming advertising and notifications across platforms with notification to all operators
  • Data to assist gaming companies and regulators to monitor the personal and financial well-being of problem gamblers

Who is the team behind this

From left: Angus Quail, Caitlin Taylor, Stephanie Chadwick, Chui Tey, Callum Reynolds, Murray Thorpe (Not in picture - Rance Wu)

Pitch presentations

Video - Pitch Video - Demo

Presentation (PDF)

Actual Screenshots



Other Resources

Architecture (PDF)

Backdrop for videos

Open Banking Sandbox

Open Banking Sandbox screenshots

Source Code

See Development notes


  • Actual product screenshots

  • Product intelligence