
This is a starter project for anyone who wants to hit the ground running quickly with medium sized Typescript project if you are happy with the few handy presets I have chosen for you.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Starter/Boilerplace for Typescript, Webpack and Jest

This is a starter project for anyone who wants to hit the ground running quickly with medium sized Typescript project if you are happy with the few handy presets I have chosen for you:

  1. The project will build two bundles, app.js and vendor.js. Doing so keeps the external libraries separate from your project, and can help with download times.

  2. The jest test runner is included, and it provides the same feature set as jasmine and mocha, so if you come from that world you will be totally comfortable.

Quick start

To run application

`npm start`

To run tests

`npm test`

To watch tests

`npm run test:watch`

To publish package

`npm run publish`


To get the basic webpack experience going

  1. Install packages

     yarn add typescript webpack webpack-dev-server ts-node ts-loader    @types/webpack  --dev
  2. Set up webpack.config.ts

  3. Run webpack-dev-server

  4. Add a shortcut to package.json so that we can use the convention of npm start

     "scripts": {
         "start": "webpack-dev-server"

To run tests with jest

  1. Install packages

     yarn add @types/jest jest ts-jest--dev
     yarn add corejs
  2. Update tsconfig.json lib section so that it understands es6:

     "lib": [ "es2015", "dom" ],
  3. Update package.json to provide jest specifications. See Jest Usage

  4. Update package.sjon so that jest will search our baseUrl which is set to src/:

     "jest": {
         "moduleDirectories": ["node_modules", "src"]
  5. Add a shortcut to package.json so that we can use the convention of npm test and npm test:watch

    "scripts": { "test" : "jest", "test:watch": "jest --watch" }


[1] Unambiguous Webpack config with Typescript