A DIY project to learn Solidity.
There are 2 examples: (1) Simple Counter and (2) NFT Example.
The project uses Metamask and Hardhat.
Please install Metamask on your browser.
A short contract that increments a number and resets the number.
The goal of this example is to understand how to invoke ethereum contract calls and fetch the updated information and display it on frontend.
Run a local hardhat node. It should run on localhost:8485
cd contracts
npx hardhat node
Open another terminal in the same folder and deploy the contract:
npx hardhat run --network localhost scripts/deploy-simple.js
Note down the contract address.
Now, we need to update the frontend to read the newly deployed contract.
cd dapp
Create a .env
file with these parameters:
Some parameters would be used by other examples.
with the deployed contract address.
Now run the frontend app. Remember to keep the hardhat node running!
cd dapp
npm run start
Browse to http://localhost:3000 and click on "Counter Example".
Configure your Metamask to connect to the hardhat node at localhost:8485
. Change the chainID
to 31337
Read the instructions on the page to meddle with the contract.
Note: Reset your account nonce if Metamask complains about nonce issues.
A contract based on ERC-721 and ERC-721 extensions specifications.
The goal of this example is to learn how ethereum defines a NFT, how to deploy, mint and interact with the contract.
On the frontend, users can:
- mint a NFT
- level up a NFT
- view the list of NFTs that the wallet owns
Run a local hardhat node. It should run on localhost:8485
cd contracts
npx hardhat node
Open another terminal in the same folder and deploy the contract:
npx hardhat run --network localhost scripts/deploy-fish.js
Note down the contract address.
Now, we need to update the frontend to read the newly deployed contract.
cd dapp
Create a .env
file with these parameters (or reuse the .env
file if you have previously deployed the Simple Counter Contract):
Some parameters would be used by other examples.
with the deployed contract address.
Now run the frontend app. Remember to keep the hardhat node running!
cd dapp
npm run start
Browse to http://localhost:3000 and click on "NFT Example".
Configure your Metamask to connect to the hardhat node at localhost:8485
. Change the chainID
to 31337
Read the instructions on the page to meddle with the contract.
Note: Reset your account nonce if Metamask complains about nonce issues.
Unit tests cases are written for the contracts used in this project.
Run the tests by executing the following:
cd contracts
npx hardhat test
npx hardhat test --network hardhat ./test/simple-counter-test.js
npx hardhat test --network hardhat ./test/fish-nft-test.js
Referenced from https://docs.openzeppelin.com/learn/deploying-and-interacting
npx hardhat console --network localhost
const Fish = await ethers.getContractFactory('FishNFT');
>> undefined
// attach object to deployed contract
const fish = await Fish.attach('0x5FbDB2315678afecb367f032d93F642f64180aa3');
>> undefined
// mint fish
await fish.mintFish("GUPPY", {value: ethers.utils.parseEther('0.01')});
// get fishes[0] information
await fish.fishes(0);
The following are links to some resources that help me to come up with these examples.