Designed for simplicity
The code found in this repository is unaudited and incomplete. Switcheo is not responsible for any losses incurred when using this code.
The Websocket client is still under heavy development.
It is recommended to develop on TestNet.
Head over to Tradehub Faucet get receive free TestNet tokens.
- Implementation of all General, Market Data, Account, Blockchain endpoints. WIP
- Handling of authentication
- Typescript support
Create a wallet on
to package.json
"dependencies": {
"tradehub-api-js": "git+ssh://"
yarn install
ornpm install
import clients from
const { WalletClient, RestClient, WsClient } = require('tradehub-api-js')
const network = 'TESTNET'
async function run() {
const wallet = await WalletClient.connectMnemonic(process.env.MNEMONICS, network)
const rest = new RestClient({ wallet, network })
const ws = new WsClient(network)
Examples are still under heavy development.
Trading related examples can be found at /examples/trading.js