
Productivity & Management app

Primary LanguageTypeScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

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Space - Simple Productivity & Management tool

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Space Notes

Space is a completely open source project, so here's the source code for the project. If you haven't checked out, here's the Space itself.

🍎 Apps

  • Make simple Board Notes
  • Pomodoro
  • Planning Calendar

✏️ Features

  • Dark Theme
  • Fully Offline (PWA & LocalStorage)
  • No Ads, analytics or auth required
  • Flexible, Custom Theming (COMING SOON!)


🍕 Stack

  • NextJS - Main React Framework
  • RadixUI - For Icons and Premade Components
  • Stitches - For Building UI Components
  • Zustand - For Complete State Management
  • Immer - In combination with Zustand to create immutable state


🥅 Goal

The goal is to make a very simple and minimal productivity, notes making & life management app. The project is aimed to be very flexible, easy to use and community oriented in a long run. The Performance, size, accessibility of this application are also marked as high priority.


🧑‍🤝‍🧑 Community

Our Discord Community → https://discord.gg/YhPsFzXj

You can ask question, report issues and share your ideas here too..


👨‍💻 Installation

  • Clone the repo
    • From Git: git clone https://github.com/DenoSaurabh/space
    • From Github CLI gh repo clone DenoSaurabh/space  
  • Install the dependencies by npm install or yarn install  
  • Run the project by npm run dev or yarn dev


👷‍♂️ Contributing

We hearly welcome new contributers to the project. When contributing to this repository, please first discuss the change you wish to make via issue or discussions.

We have a code of conduct so please read and follow it in all your interactions with the project.



1. Does this has a dark theme?

YES, it has a dark theme, you can enable it from top right section of page by clicking on a moon icon.

2. What platforms are supported?

The project is completely responsive, and work for almost all screen sizes. Though I do not have any plans currently to make native app for android & ios. But, the web app is PWA so it is installable in almost all devices. You can install it from "Install" button beside the Bookmark "Star" button on url bar. In mobile you can go to the menu in top right section. IMPORTANT! Mark that full support for touch devcies is still ongoing and also your data will not be synced, more down below.

3. Custom database?

The database is totally local stored as "LocalStorage". Though, it arise some concerns of accidently deleting your data and cannot be reverted. Also you can't sync the data in multiple devices. So, I have to plan to add features like import & export data, using advance Browser API like FileSystem (very experimental in browsers), and support for custom databases which may add additional things like authentication.

4. Custom Themes

Uff! You may see be saying soon soon, so many times, hehe. The project is still very new and updating very day. So, one more thing I have in plans is Custom Themes. Personalization is increasing, and we all like it, right? So, applying custom themes will also come soon where you can change color palette, and just change the entire look and feel for you without having to look at the code and worrying about it.


😍 Support the Project

This project is completely open source and free to use. So, Supporting the project will really help us to be more excited and regular with this loving project. Star this project and sharing this project with your freiends will be very appreciated. 🎉

"Buy Me A Coffee"


👨‍💻 Developers



🔨 License

GNU General Public License v3.0