
Google QPX Express API Advanced - PHP, MySQL, MongoDB

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Google QPX Express API Advanced - PHP, MySQL, MongoDB

Database configuration


define('DB_TYPE', 'mysql'); // Database type
define('DB_HOST', 'localhost'); // Database host
define('DB_NAME', 'database_name'); // Database name
define('DB_USER', 'user_name'); // Database username
define('DB_PASS', 'password'); // Database password
define('DB_PREFIX','prefix'); // Prefix of the tables

Google QPX Express API Key

First of all you have to enter and login in https://console.developers.google.com/apis/dashboard. Then enter to "Library" on the left side of the page. Search 'QPX Express Airfare API' and enable it. Then, go to 'Credentials' click to 'Create Credentials'->'API Key' copy 'key' and click to the 'Restrict Key'.


'GPX_API_KEY' => ''

MongoDB configuration


'MONGODB_NAME' => 'tickets_com',

Router configuration

/application/config/settings.php <?php $router->route('requested/url', 'controller/action');

Router regex

":a" => '(\w+)', // only alphabet 
":n" => '(\d+)', // only numeric
":slug" => '([a-z0-9_-]+)', // alpha-numeric and symbols - _
":page" => '([0-9]+)', // only number
":keyword" => '(.+)', // everthing
":request" => '([a-z0-9]{32})', // only alpha-numeric and max 32 characters

Also urls can be checked and passed to variables by router

$router->route('search/:request/:request', 'tickets/result', array('request', 'result_id'));

`search` is slug
`:request` - its will be checked and will be passed to variable by router. 
This variable can be called and used everywhere by `Router::get('request');

Insert Data to Databases


Request to GOOGLE QPX Express API


public static function SearchTickets() {.....} // Request to API 
public static function simpleSlice(){.....} // Build slice 

Documentation will be published as soon as posibible