README for Express + Next.js App

This project is a Next.js application integrated with Express. Follow the instructions below to get started.


Ensure you have the following installed on your machine:

--Node.js (v14.x or later)

--npm (v6.x or later)

1-Clone the repository:

git clone

git clone

2-Install dependencies:

cd playable_frontend

npm install

cd playable_backend

npm install

  • crete mongodb database and add the connection string to the .env file in the backend folder

  • crete random jwt secret key and add it to the .env file in the backend folder

  • create firebase project and add the firebase config to the .env file in the frontend folder

  • add backend url to the .env file in the frontend folder

3-Run the app:

cd playable_frontend

npm run dev

cd playable_backend

npm start