
Pinsight CMS - backend for content creation

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Pinsight CMS

The app is built in ES6 and uses React and Redux

For a gentle introduction I highly recommend the Lynda.com tutorials on React and Redux and the official documentation for both.

Reducers and data normalization are implemented according to the Redux guide.

Routing is handled by react-router

Asynchronous requests are handled by the redux-thunk middleware

The UI components are styled and rendered using Material UI

All the icons used in the app are from the Material UI library. A reference sheet for these icons can be found here.

Working prototype



Danilo remove link!
back arrow from viz Move viz buttons from device editor to dialogue editor device and date filter buttons in viz


  • iPad testing


  • Realtime viz?


  • Query db for responses of a defined dialogue


  • Add authentication in CMS app (so that users only see their content)
  • Add offline indicator

Cleaning Up

  • Nest stylesheet and use inline CSS styling sparingly
  • Decide if parameters in reducers and actions should be object keys

To run the app

  1. npm install
  2. npm start
  3. Go to http://localhost:3000/

To build the app for deployment

From the repo folder run: webpack -p or npm run build The app uses webpack for minification and optimization. See webpack.config.js for the build settings.


The app is hosted on Firebase at the following address pinsight-cf45d.firebaseapp.com

The database is also hosted on the same site and can be accessed here.

To deploy directly to Firebase make sure to have Firebase tools installed:

npm install -g firebase-tools

and then deploy using:

firebase deploy

Data structure

Data is divided in 3 main objects: devices, dialogues (the content which can be navigated with the 2 buttons on the device), and cards (the screens of each dialogue).

Cards have a graph structure as they can point to each other.

Here's an example of data structure for the app.

    "cards": {
        {firebaseId}: {
            "title": {string},
            "id": {firebaseId},
            "answers": {
                "0": {
                    "label": {string},
                    "link": {firebaseId}
                "1": {
                    "label":  {string},
                    "link": {firebaseId}

    "devices": {
        {firebaseId}: {
            "name": {string},
            "dialogues": {
                {firebaseId}: {
                    "order": {int}
                {firebaseId}: {
                    "order": {int}


    "dialogues": {
        {firebaseId}: {
            "id": {firebaseId},
            "title": {string}
            "needsUpdate": {boolean},
            "cards": {
                cardId: {firebaseId}

    "responses": {
        {firebaseId}: {
            "deviceId": {firebaseId},
            "dialogueId": {firebaseId},
            "cardId": {firebaseId},
            "value": {int},
            "time": {date}


Wireframe and prototype

The interactive prototype is hosted on InVision at the following URL: https://projects.invisionapp.com/d/main#/projects


Pin icon from [http://www.flaticon.com/free-icon/placeholder_232587#term=location%20pin&page=2&position=59](Flaticon, author Freepik)


Device Map

  • Move a Pin

Device Editor

  • Add new/existing dialogue to device
  • Remove dialogue from device
  • Change dialogue order
  • Rename a dialogue
  • Preview a dialogue
  • Update device

Dialogue Editor

  • Create a card
  • Delete a card
  • Change card title
  • Change card answers
  • Add/remove links to next/previous cards
  • Switch image/text
  • Upload image