
Jsonnet library for hashicorp/hcp Terraform provider.

Primary LanguageJsonnetMozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0


Generate Terraform with Jsonnet

LICENSE latest release

This repository contains Jsonnet functions for generating resources and data sources for the hashicorp/hcp Terraform provider.

Learn more about tf.libsonnet at docs.tflibsonnet.com.


This library is generated using tf-libsonnet/libgenerator. If you find an issue with the generated code, please file an issue in the libgenerator repository.

If you would like to contribute a change, you may open a Pull Request with a suggested change, but please note that it will not be merged in until the necessary updates have been made to the generator.


Install the package using jsonnet-bundler:

jb install github.com/tf-libsonnet/hashicorp-hcp@main

# Or if you want to install a specific release
#   jb install github.com/tf-libsonnet/hashicorp-hcp@v0.0.1
# Or if you want to install bindings for a specific provider major version series
#   jb install github.com/tf-libsonnet/hashicorp-hcp/0.x@main

You can then import the package in your Jsonnet code:

// main.tf.json.jsonnet
local hcp = import 'github.com/tf-libsonnet/hashicorp-hcp/main.libsonnet';

+ hcp.hvn.new(

This will generate the following Terraform JSON :

   "provider": {
      "hcp": [
         { }
   "resource": {
      "hcp_hvn": {
         "example": {
            "cidr_block": "",
            "cloud_provider": "aws",
            "hvn_id": "main-hvn",
            "region": "us-west-2"
   "terraform": {
      "required_providers": {
         "hcp": {
            "source": "hashicorp/hcp"

Refer to the reference docs for a list of supported data sources and resources:


If you have any questions about how to use the tf.libsonnet libraries, ask in the Organization GitHub Discussion.


Refer to the CONTRIBUTING.md document for information on how to contribute to tf.libsonnet.