Folder Crawling using BFS/DFS

Tugas besar 2 IF2211 Strategi Algoritma 2022

General Information

A C# desktop application to find spesific file from starting directory with Breadth First Search (BFS) or Depth First Search (DFS) algorithm.


How to Run on Visual Studio

  1. Open Visual Studio that has been installed.
  2. Clone this repository to Visual Studio.
  3. Open solution explorer and choose Tubes2_13520031.sln.
  4. Click Play on the top panel with green button.
  5. Visual Studio will build the program and show the GUI.

How to Run Using Executable Code

  1. Clone this repository.
  2. Run Tubes2_13520031.exe in bin folder.

How to Use

  1. Choose your starting directory and input the file name to be searched.
  2. Check the Find all occurence box if you want to search entirely (leave it unchecked if you want to search only one occurence).
  3. Choose the searching algorithm between BFS/DFS.
  4. Click Search button and wait until the graph shown.
