This project demonstrates how to build a feedhandler that interfaces with kdb+.
Additional PDF documentation on the C API can be found here
This project uses CMake 2.6+ to build across multiple platforms. It has been tested on Linux and
Windows. Execute the following commands on all platforms to create platform appropriate build
files within the build
mkdir build; cd build; cmake ..
On Linux, you just need to run make install to complete the build process
and find the binary output in the ../bin
make install && cd ../bin
On Windows platforms you will need to have the msbuild.exe available on your path. CMake creates
two Visual Studio projects that need to be built. The INSTALL
project will not modify any of the
code and will just move the binaries from the ../build
directory to the ../bin
directory. An
extra libqtoc.lib
file will be produced on Windows, which can be ignored after the build process.
msbuild ./ALL_BUILD.vcxproj /p:Configuration=Release
msbuild ./INSTALL.vcxproj /p:Configuration=Release
cd ../bin
The resulting directory after running a build should look like this:
bin/ -- contains the fakefeed.[dll/so] and feedhandler.[dll/so] libraries and run.q
build/ -- contains the makefiles/visual studio projects
src/ -- contains the source code
Once the build is complete, navigate to the bin
directory and execute:
q run.q
on Windows plaforms or on Linux:
script just sets the LD_LIBRARY_PATH
to look in the current directory before running
the run.q script.
This will load the C shared objects and bind the functions to names (init and halt). Instructions and example commands should be displayed as soon as the the run.q script loads.
# run.q
# Example q script that loads in two functions from the feedhandler library
# and defines two tables (quote and trade). Calling the init function will
# start the feed handler and push quotes and trades into their respective
# tables. The halt function will stop the feed handler and release any
# resources it held.
# AquaQ Analytics
# kdb+ consultancy, training and support
# For questions, comments, requests or bug reports, please contact us
# w:
# e:
# examples:
# init[] to start the feed handler
# halt[] to stop the feed handler
q) init[]
q) count trade
q) count quote
q) halt[]
q) -10#quote
time sym exg asksize bidsize askprice bidprice sequence cond
2015.04.02D13:00:33.806996000 `YHOO `LSE 463i 303i 20.2 18.45 131364i 0x434040204f220200f88d
2015.04.02D13:00:33.806996000 `MSFT `LSE 118i 45i 84.6 83.06 74369i 0x40204949867f00000080
2015.04.02D13:00:33.806996000 `APPL `LSE 191i 110i 81.9 81.852 120771i 0x49464349621013404d62
2015.04.02D13:00:33.806996000 `IBM `LSE 180i 409i 86.7 85.364 98308i 0x4343435a000000001806
2015.04.02D13:00:33.806996000 `YHOO `LSE 331i 138i 87.4 85.584 110350i 0x46405a46fb000000e502
This resource is intended to suppliment the existing Kx Wiki sections on interfacting with C and provide some concrete examples. Readers should look at the following pages on the Kx Wiki: