
Terra.Do Climate Stacks Project

Primary LanguagePython


A simple calculator to determine potential energy/cost savings from replacing an HVAC system from a furnace to an air-source heat pump.

Created by Joesan Gabaldon, Tim Favorite, and Nam Pham as part of Terra.do's Software Stacks course, based on code provided by Jason Curtis.

Setup and launching (for development)

Create the virtual environment. You can replace the path and virtualenv name below.

python3 -m venv ~/.virtualenvs/eh-env

Install the requirements into your local environment. Be sure to use the same name if you changed it from the above.

source ~/.virtualenvs/eh-env/bin/activate

[Almost] everything else we need to do is in the project folder anyway...

cd path/to/electric-home-project/electrichome

Installing requirements in the virtualenv

pip install -r ../requirements.txt

Setup credentials by copying the template file into the actual file django will look at.

cp credentials.py.template credentials.py

Afterwards you'll need to edit the new file following the instructions in the comments there.

Next repeat the above with the local_settings.py file. For development the default values are fine so you won't need to edit this one.

cp local_settings.py.template local_settings.py

Finally you can run the actual server with:

$ python manage.py runserver

It should now be accessible in your browser at localhost:8000.