Common Lisp ZIP library A library for .zip-file reading and writing, written in Common Lisp. Credits: David Lichteblau, Tomas Hlavaty. Thanks to everyone who has contributed patches. Send bug reports to [1]<> ([2]list information). Thanks to [3] for web site and mailing list hosting. Please note the repository on [4]github. Uses [5]salza2 for compression, [6]flexi-streams for external format support, [7]trivial-gray-streams for gray streams portability, and includes [8] for decompression. Recent changes 2015: Move to github, and backport of changes from downstream fork (Thanks to Tomas Hlavaty.) 2006 -- 2011: During this time a fork occurred. The version of the library received little attention, except that it was ported to ASDF2. (Thanks to Faré Rideau.) 2006: Fixed the gray stream port, including a data corruption bug that was in CVS for some time. (Thanks to Kevin Reid and others.) Switched to flexi-stream external-format functions for portability. Uses trivial-gray-streams now. Allegro 8.0 fix (thanks to Edi Weitz). Comment support (thanks to Surendra Singhi). Incompatible change: Don't bind *locale* on Allegro anymore. 2005-04-05: ACL fixes (thank to Edi Weitz). Lispworks port (thanks to Sean Ross). Store file-write-date (also fixes FilZip compatibility). Download * Using Quicklisp (if in doubt, this is a good way to get started): (ql:quickload :zip) * From github: git clone * Using clbuild2 from github: clbuild install-from-upstream zip -- For the one or two clbuild users out there * Using clbuild2 via QuickLisp: clbuild quickload zip -- Ditto * Tarball releases -- Unfortunately we are not currently offering a release tarball for download. Portability Needs gray streams. The original version had separate support out-of-the-box on SBCL, Lispworks, and ACL. The fork briefly introduced some features specific to simple-stream / ACL. We believe the library to currently be portable to most popular Common Lisp implementations, but patches are welcome. ZIP-file reading Zip archives are represented as opaque handles. Entries of the zip-file are named by strings and represented as objects, too. Function OPEN-ZIPFILE (pathname) => zipfile Open .zip-file pathname for reading and return a handle for it. Function CLOSE-ZIPFILE (zipfile) Close the file handle. Macro WITH-ZIPFILE ((var pathname) &body body) => result of body Bind var to the result of open-zipfile, evaluate body as an implicit progn and call close-zipfile before exiting. Function GET-ZIPFILE-ENTRY (name zipfile) => zipfile-entry Return an entry handle for the file called name. Function ZIPFILE-ENTRIES (zipfile) => hash-table Return a hash-table mapping filenames to entry handles for all files contained in the zip archive. Macro DO-ZIPFILE-ENTRIES ((name-var entry-var zipfile) &body body) => nil Map over all entries in zipfile binding name-var and entry-var to each file name and entry handle in turn. Establish implicit block named nil around the loop. Function ZIPFILE-ENTRY-NAME (zipfile-entry) => string Return an entry's file name as a string. Function ZIPFILE-ENTRY-CONTENTS (entry &optional stream) => see below If stream is given, extract entry to the (unsigned-byte 8) stream given as the argument. Otherwise, return the entry contents as an (unsigned-byte 8) vector. Function UNZIP (pathname target-directory &key if-exists verbose) => nil Extract all entries from the zip archive at pathname into target-directory. if-exists as for [9]cl:open. ZIP-file writing zipwriters are handles used to create zip archives. They are distinct from the zip handles used for reading. Macro WITH-OUTPUT-TO-ZIPFILE ((var pathname &key if-exists) &body body) Function WRITE-ZIPENTRY (zipwriter name data &key file-write-date) Append a new entry called name to zipwriter. Read data from (unsigned-byte 8) stream data until EOF and compress it into "deflate"-format. Use file-write-date as the entry's date and time. Default to (file-write-date data), use 1980-01-01T00:00 if nil. Function ZIP (pathname source-directory &key if-exists) Compress all files in source-directory recursively into a new zip archive at pathname. Note that entry file names will not contain the name source-directory. Bookmark [10]spec References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.