
Terraform configuration for webtrees on AWS

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Terraform configuration for webtrees genealogy application on AWS


This Terraform configuration creates an EC2 instance in the default VPC. The EC2 instance lauches a Bitnami LAMP stack AMI.

The security group allows SSH and HTTP access from a your IP address specified in a Terraform variable.

The EC2 instance user data downloads and installs webtrees app to /opt/bitnami/apps/webtrees.


  • An AWS account is required
  • AWS CLI profile setup and configured
  • Terraform installed brew install terraform


  1. Set up Terraform variables cp terraform.tfvars.example terraform.tfvars

  2. Edit terraform.tfvars profile, region, and your public IP address.

  3. Generate an SSH key ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048 -f ~/.ssh/webtrees

  4. Update the permissions of that key with chmod 400 ~/.ssh/webtrees

  5. Run Terraform plan to see changes terraform plan

  6. Apply Terraform plan terraform apply. Enter yes at the prompt.

  7. Set up the following in ~/.ssh/config replacing <elastic_ip> with the output value.

    Host webtrees
      HostName <ec2_elastic_ip>
      User bitnami
      IdentityFile ~/.ssh/webtrees
      IdentitiesOnly yes
  8. Connect to the application through SSH ssh webtrees

  9. Run the following command to see your application credentials: cat ./bitnami_credentials

  10. Connect to MySQL as admin using the application credentials for password: mysql --host=<RDS_CLUSTER_ENDPOINT> --port=3306 --user=admin --password

  11. Create a MySQL database, user, and grant privileges

    CREATE DATABASE webtrees;
    CREATE USER 'webtrees'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '<good_secret>';
    GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON webtrees.* TO 'webtrees'@'%';
  12. Open webtrees wizard http://EC2\_ELASTIC\_IP/webtrees/

Start or Stop Services

sudo /opt/bitnami/ctlscript.sh status

Restart Apache

sudo /opt/bitnami/ctlscript.sh restart apache


cd /opt/bitnami/apps/webtrees/htdocs
composer require magicsunday/webtrees-fan-chart --update-no-dev

Update IP address

The EC2 security group allows access from your current IP address. If this changes the ingress rules will need to be updated.

Edit terraform.tfvars with new IP address.

terraform plan \
  -target=aws_security_group_rule.webtrees_rule_http \
  -target=aws_security_group_rule.webtrees_rule_ssh \
  -out=$(date +plan-%Y%m%d%H%M%S)`

Copy and paste the terraform apply command.

terraform apply "plan-20200102030405"


  1. Run terraform destroy. Enter yes at the prompt.

Terraform documentation

Data Sources

Provider Data Sources

Backup Resources

CloudWatch Resources

EC2 Data

EC2 Resources

IAM Data

IAM Resources

RDS Resources

SSM Resources

VPC Data

VPC Resources

The End