
A jQuery scrollspy plugin for tracking elements in the viewport. Example:

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A jQuery plugin for tracking elements in the viewport and relaying the state to a separate element.

Getting Started

Initiate eavesdrop on the "Navigation" element that will track the elements that come in and out of view.

<!-- example navigation item -->
<nav class="top-nav">
    <li><a href="#one">one</a></li>
    <li><a href="#two">two</a></li>
    <li><a href="#three">three</a></li>

The html output is up to you, but each navigation item must at least include an anchor tag <a> with a hash #one defined in the href.

The second part of the html structure is defining which elements will be attached to navigation defined above. This is done by adding a class to the elements that you wish to track.

By default, the class being tracked is eavesdrop but you can define a custom class as shown below.

<div class="eavesdrop">
  <p>Hello World! This item is being "tracked" by the nav above.</p>
<div class="eavesdrop">
  <p>So is this one!</p>
<div class="eavesdrop">
  <p>And this one!</p>

The elements are related to the nav items in sequential order, meaning the first nav item correlates to the first tracked item and so on.

Initiate the plugin

//call plugin with default optons

//call the plugin with custom options
  watchClass: 'eavesdrop',
  activeClass: 'active',
  trackUrl: true
Option Type Default Descripton
watchClass string 'eavesdrop' class to be applied to elements the nav should track
activeClass string 'active' class added to the active item in the nav
trackUrl boolean true updates url has on scroll or click (Will always be false if the plugin is initialized more than once.)




Licensed under the MIT license.