
Screencast script using ffmpeg

Primary LanguageShell


Screencast script using ffmpeg ###Reminders

  • As for audio input -i hw:1, since the default audio capturing device is different on each machine, we can issue arecord -l to get a list of recording cards/devices available.
  • As for video input -i :0.0+1366,0, this means recording the screen starting with the upper-left corner at (x=1366, y=0), cuz I'm using an external monitor and I just want to record that monitor instead of recording both.
  • I'm using libx264 as my video codec, it accepts options like -preset, -threads. Here I've set -preset ultrafast, there are also superfast, veryfast, faster, etc. Read more here. I left -threads unset to use the default, also optimal (says here).