
Three Stoners Kata Written in Kotlin

Primary LanguageKotlin

Concurrency Challenge: Three Stoners

Write a program in your favorite language to simulate three stoners smoking weed.

Da Rules:

  • Each of the three stoners runs in a separate thread. The three threads must interact as three independent tasks or entities.
  • One stoner has a supply of weed. Another has rolling papers, and the third has matches.
  • Your choice if the supplies are limited or unlimited (unlimited may be easier).
  • You can get 7-12 tokes off a joint before it is necessary to roll a new one.
  • Here is the main flow:
    • One of the stoners is designated as the roller.
    • The other two stoners put some of their supply on the table.
    • The stoner designated as the roller takes the supplies off the table and adds his own.
    • The roller rolls a joint, lights it, takes a toke, and passes it.
    • The next stoner takes the joint, takes a toke and passes it.
    • Repeat step e until a stoner takes the last toke of the joint. This stoner is designated as the new roller.
    • Repeat steps b through f until some terminating event occurs. This could be based on a timer, a stoner running out of supply, passing out, or some other event.

The goal is to have fun, think creatively, and to learn. Hopefully we can get together in a few weeks and demo different solutions. Smoking weed in real life is not recommended.