
Translations for Transfeminine Science articles in Simplified Chinese


Translations for Transfeminine Science articles in Simplified Chinese

关于/ About

本项目计划对 Transfeminine Science (https://transfemscience.org/) 进行非官方简体中文翻译。

属于该项目的所有翻译得到了原作者 Aly W. 的直接授权。

This project is meant to be an unofficial Simplified Chinese translation for Transfeminine Science (https://transfemscience.org/).

The translations in this project were approved with direct permission from Aly W. of Transfeminine Science.

目录 (外链:limelight)/ List of Articles (in Chinese)


女性倾向跨性别者的激素治疗简介 (Aly W., 2018)

对非二元女性倾向跨性别者的激素治疗可能性的探索 (Aly W., 2019)



经阴囊及新阴唇给药对女性倾向跨性别者经皮雌二醇吸收的极大增强 (Aly W., 2019)

关于女性倾向跨性别者舌下含服戊酸雌二醇片剂的简介 (Aly W., 2019)


低剂量的醋酸环丙孕酮足以最大限度地抑制女性倾向跨性别者的睾酮水平 (Aly W., 2019)


舌下含服雌二醇及口服醋酸甲羟孕酮在女性倾向跨性别者中的应用 (Aly W., 2020)

性激素与性激素结合球蛋白及其对女性化激素治疗的意义 (Aly W., 2020)

协议/ License

本翻译项目与原文本目前遵循的策略 (open access) 一致。

This translation project follows the current distribution practices of the original text, which is open access.

原文本中的说明/ Description in the original text: "Transfeminine Science is open access and does not serve ads." (Transfeminine Science, 2021)

贡献方法/ Contributions

为了提高效率,强烈建议通过提交Pull requests/ commits的方法进行贡献。同时,您也可以参考 专有词汇表 以帮助保持翻译的一致性。十分感谢。

For the sake of efficiency, it is highly recommended to contribute via submitting pull requests and commits. You may also refer to the non-consensus terms list to maintain consistency within this repo. Your help would be much appreciated.