FastAPI HTML TailwindCSS Markdown Blog Template

This template was created using FastAPI and TailwindCSS to display Markdown content for a blog.

With some help from:

Tailwind Toolbox for the navigation bar.
Shinichi Okada for a template to learn from.

Get Started

Clone repo.
Create virtual environment.
pip install -r requirements.txt

Run the program

Launch a browser and navigate to the home page
Browse to localhost:8000

This will run the environment with reload enabled on port 8000. Ctrl+C to exit.

Customize template

Add images for the site to app/static/img
Add or modify css for the site by adding or modifying the files in app/static/img
Add javascript for the site to app/static/js

Update Title between {% block title %} {% endblock %} in app/templates/main.html and app/templates/post.html

Add a post

Add markdown file to app/posts
Add an entry in app/main/ for the post
Update app/ with a new route including the URI of your new post that is referenced by the entry in app/main/

Tailwind Typography
Markdown Syntax Guide
A python module for converting Markdown to HTML