Plantgarden RDF

git clone

git clone
cd rdf-convert-plantgarden

convert plantgardern metadata to rdf

perl scripts/ speciesCode.tsv  >speciesCode.ttl 

convert rdf

perl scripts/ Lotus_japonicus.mapped_marker.tsv  > Lotus_japonicus.mapped_marker.ttl
perl scripts/ Lj3.0_gene_models2.gff3 > Lj3.0_gene_models2.ttl
perl scripts/ t34305.G002_import_gene.tsv > t34305.G002_import_gene.ttl
perl scripts/ 5dfc6033916f4.tsv  >5dfc6033916f4.ttl

install virtuoso

load virtuoso

[木 10 31 16:34] tf@/tga/services/virtuoso7dev/var/lib/virtuoso/db
[木 10 31 16:34] tf@/tga/services/virtuoso7dev/var/lib/virtuoso/db
[木 10 31 16:34] tf@/tga/services/virtuoso7dev/var/lib/virtuoso/db
% /tga/services/virtuoso7dev/bin/isql 1111 dba dba
Connected to OpenLink Virtuoso
Driver: 07.00.3207 OpenLink Virtuoso ODBC Driver
OpenLink Interactive SQL (Virtuoso), version 0.9849b.
Type HELP; for help and EXIT; to exit.

% /tga/services/virtuoso7dev/bin/isql 1111 dba dba
Connected to OpenLink Virtuoso
Driver: 07.00.3207 OpenLink Virtuoso ODBC Driver
OpenLink Interactive SQL (Virtuoso), version 0.9849b.
Type HELP; for help and EXIT; to exit.
SQL> ld_dir('repos/rdf-converter-plantgarden', 'L*.ttl', '');

Done. -- 7 msec.
SQL> rdf_loader_run();

Done. -- 9350 msec.
SQL> checkpoint ;

Done. -- 2160 msec.

access virtuoso


run sparql

PREFIX rdf:<>
PREFIX rdfs:<>
PREFIX obo:<>
PREFIX insdc:<>
PREFIX faldo:  <>

?feature ?type ?faldo_reference
 IF(?fstart < ?fend , ?fstart, ?fend) as ?start 
 IF(?fstart < ?fend , ?fend, ?fstart) as ?end
 IF( ?faldo_type = faldo:ForwardStrandPosition,"+", IF( ?faldo_type = faldo:ReverseStrandPosition,"-",".")) as ?strand
  values ?type { obo:SO_0000704}
  values ?faldo_type { faldo:ForwardStrandPosition faldo:ReverseStrandPosition }
  ?feature rdf:type ?type .
  #?type rdfs:label ?feature_type .
  ?feature faldo:location ?faldo .
  ?faldo faldo:begin/rdf:type ?faldo_type .
  ?faldo faldo:begin/faldo:position ?fstart .
  ?faldo faldo:begin/faldo:reference ?faldo_reference .
  ?faldo faldo:end/faldo:position ?fend .
  values ?type {obo:SO_0000207}
  values ?faldo_type { faldo:ForwardStrandPosition faldo:ReverseStrandPosition }
  ?feature rdf:type ?type .
  #?type rdfs:label ?feature_type .
  ?feature :has_forword_primer/faldo:location ?faldo .
  ?faldo faldo:begin/rdf:type ?faldo_type .
  ?faldo faldo:begin/faldo:position ?fstart .
  ?faldo faldo:begin/faldo:reference ?faldo_reference .
  ?faldo faldo:end/faldo:position ?fend .
ORDER BY ?faldo_reference ?start
limit 10000

RDF model

Marker RDFの例

@prefix :  <> .			
@prefix        rdf:        <> .			
@prefix        rdfs:        <> .			
@prefix        dc:        <> .			
@prefix        obo:        <> .			
@prefix        faldo:        <> .			
<>	rdf:type	obo:SO_0000207	;
	dc:identifier	"t3747.M000002.1"	;
	:species_id	"t3747"	;
	:has_species	<>	;
	rdfs:label	"FAES0002"	;
	:sub_number	1	;
	:marker_type	"SSR"	;
	:mapped_genome_id	"t3747.G002"	;
	:has_species	<>	;
	:reference_seq_name	"v1.0.a1"	;
	:chr	"Fvb6-1"	;
	:target_seq	"NA"	;
	:allele	"NA"	;
	:enzyme	"NA"	;
	rdfs:comment	"<i>F. x ananassa</i> EST-SSR"	;
	:doi	"NA"	;
	dc:references	"NA"	;
	:f_active	"1"	;
	:has_forword_primer	<>	;
	:has_reverse_primer	<>	.
<>	faldo:location	[	
	rdf:type	faldo:Region	;
	rdf:type	obo:SO_0000121	;
	rdfs:label	"t3747.M000001.1:fwd"	;
	faldo:begin	[	
	faldo:position	22027099	;
	faldo:reference	<>	;
	rdf:type 	faldo:ExactPosition	;
	rdf:type 	faldo:ForwardStrandPosition	
		]	;
	faldo:end 	[	
	faldo:position	22027118	;
	faldo:reference	<>	;
	rdf:type 	faldo:ExactPosition	;
	rdf:type 	faldo:ForwardStrandPosition	
		]	.
<>	faldo:location	[	
	rdf:type	faldo:Region	;
	rdf:type	obo:SO_0000132	;
	rdfs:label	"t3747.M000001.1:fwd"	;
	faldo:begin	[	
	faldo:position	22027216	;
	faldo:reference	<>	;
	rdf:type 	faldo:ExactPosition	;
	rdf:type 	faldo:ForwardStrandPosition	
		]	;
	faldo:end 	[	
	faldo:position	22027197	;
	faldo:reference	<>	;
	rdf:type 	faldo:ExactPosition	;
	rdf:type 	faldo:ForwardStrandPosition	
		]	.

HayaiAnnotation RDFの例

@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix : <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix dc: <> .
@prefix obo: <> .
@prefix faldo: <> .
@prefix sio: <> .

    :family_name "Phrymaceae" ;
    :genome_assembly_id "t34305.G002" ;
    :genus_name "Erythranthe" ;
    :phylum_name "Streptophyta" ;
    :superkingdom_name "Eukaryota" .

    faldo:location [
        faldo:begin [
            faldo:position "125577831" ;
            faldo:reference <> ;
            a faldo:ExactPosition, faldo:ReverseStrandPosition
        ] ;
        faldo:end [
            faldo:position "125578853" ;
            faldo:reference <> ;
            a faldo:ExactPosition, faldo:ReverseStrandPosition
        ] ;
        a faldo:Region
    ] ;
    a obo:SO_0000704 .

    obo:BFO_0000050 <> ;
    obo:RO_0002162 <> ;
    dc:identifier "Lj0g3v0242029.1" ;
    a obo:SO_0000316 ;
    rdfs:comment "" ;
    :annotation_version "Lj3.0" .

    obo:RO_0001000 <> ;
    dc:indentifier "Lj0g3v0242029.1" ;
    sio:SIO_000558 <> ;
    a obo:SO_0000104 ;
    :classifiedWith obo:GO_0003735, obo:GO_0006412, obo:GO_0022625, <> .


@prefix : <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix dc: <> .
@prefix obo: <> .
@prefix faldo: <> .

<> rdf:type  obo:SO_0000704 ; # Gene
  dc:identifier "Ljchlorog3v0000020" ;
  rdfs:label  "Ljchlorog3v0000020" ;
  faldo:location  [
    rdf:type  faldo:Region ;
    faldo:begin [
      faldo:position  519 ;
      faldo:reference <> ;
      rdf:type  faldo:ExactPosition ;
      rdf:type  faldo:ForwardStrandPosition 
      ] ;
    faldo:end   [
      faldo:position  1371 ;
      faldo:reference <> ;
      rdf:type  faldo:ExactPosition ;
      rdf:type  faldo:ForwardStrandPosition
    ] .


@prefix :  <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix dc: <> .
@prefix obo: <> .
@prefix faldo: <> .
@prefix sio: <> .
@prefix prov: <> .

<>  rdf:type  obo:SO_0000771  ; #QTL  
  dc:identifier  "t34305.T000001"  ; 
  rdfs:label  "NA"  ; 
  :species_id "t34305"  ; 
  dc:references <> ; 
  :trait  "ARA/P (acetylene reduction activity per plant)"  ; 
  :analysis_method  "QTL analysis"  ; 
  :max_lod  5.56  ; 
  :p_value  "NA"  . 
# Physical Map Location TODO:更新 Genome/Sequence
<>  faldo:location  [ 
    rdf:type  faldo:Region ; 
    :nearest_marker1  <> ; 
    :nearest_marker2  <> ; 
    :genome_assembly_id "t34305.G002" ;
  ] .

# Linkage Map Location
<> faldo:location [ 
    rdf:type faldo:Position  ;
    faldo:position 68.3  ; #genetic_locus
    faldo:reference  <> ;
  ] .

# Analysis/Population/LinkageMap

# Population
<>  :population <> . 
<> rdf:type  sio:SIO_001061  ; #Population 
  rdf:type  :RIL ;   #Population Type  
  rdfs:label  "LjMG RIL population (Miyakojima MG- 20 x Gifu B-129)" . #Population Name  

# Trait Annotation
<>  sio:has_annotation  <> ;
  rdf:type  :TraitAnnotation  ; 
  :assertion  obo:ECO_0000218 ; 
  prov:wasGeneratedBy <>  ; 
  :target <>  ; 
  :body "ARA/P (acetylene reduction activity per plant)"  ; 
  prov:hadPrimarySource <> ; 
  :semanticTags obo:TO_0000183  ; 
  :category 6


  • 植物ゲノムのgene/mRNA/CDS/exon/intron構造アノテーションが揺れているのでとりあえずgeneのみ対応


%perl scripts/ FANhybrid_r1.2.genes.gff3
$VAR1 = {
          'intron' => 110204,
          'CDS' => 143958,
          'gene' => 45377,
          'exon' => 148259
%perl scripts/ Glycine_max.Glycine_max_v2.1.42.chr.gff3
$VAR1 = {
          'mRNA' => 87977,
          'CDS' => 522339,
          'pre_miRNA' => 78,
          'RNase_MRP_RNA' => 2,
          'ncRNA_gene' => 1237,
          'five_prime_UTR' => 62642,
          'three_prime_UTR' => 63724,
          'snRNA' => 147,
          '' => 56872,
          'tRNA' => 427,
          'rRNA' => 361,
          'SRP_RNA' => 20,
          'exon' => 523576,
          'biological_region' => 2169,
          'lnc_RNA' => 8,
          'snoRNA' => 192,
          'ncRNA' => 2,
          'chromosome' => 20,
          'gene' => 55589
%perl scripts/ glyma.Lee.gnm1.ann1.6NZV.gene_models_main.gff3
$VAR1 = {
          'three_prime_UTR' => 76908,
          'CDS' => 437712,
          'five_prime_UTR' => 89458,
          'gene' => 47649,
          'mRNA' => 71358,
          '' => 3
%perl scripts/ GWHAAEV00000000.gff 
$VAR1 = {
          'mRNA' => 58017,
          'CDS' => 333842,
          'rRNA_primary_transcript' => 8,
          '' => 489,
          'gene' => 52178,
          'three_prime_UTR' => 32903,
          'five_prime_UTR' => 34834,
          'tRNA_primary_transcript' => 29,
          'exon' => 345307
%perl scripts/ Brapa_genome_v3.0_genes.gff3   
$VAR1 = {
          'gene' => 46250,
          'mRNA' => 46250,
          'CDS' => 221750