
If you do not have Python, follow the following steps to install Python - Go to https://www.python.org/downloads/release/python-3114/ - Scroll to the bottom, select the installer that corresponds to your Operating System. - Click on Windows installer (64-bit) if your device is a Windows 64-bit device running Windows as Operating System

Open Powershell or Command Prompt as administrator. Install psutil by running this command

pip3 install psutil

Install matplotlib by running this command

pip3 install matplotlib

Download main.py at this link In Powershell or Command Prompt, navigate to the directory where you downloaded the main.py file. You can use file explorer to navigate to the directory. Then right-click your mouse and select “Open in Terminal”. You can also use Powershell as Administrator

For simulation of FIFO and LRU algorithms, run this command in Command Prompt or Powershell:

python simulation.py

You will be prompted to "Enter number of pages: " You will then be prompted to "Enter page reference string generation method (manual/uniform/gaussian): " You can only type “manual” or “uniform” or “gaussian”. You will then be prompted to "Enter number of available frames: " You will then be prompted to "Enter page replacement algorithm (LRU/FIFO): "

Sample input & output:

7 pages, gaussian, 4 frames, FIFO

7 pages, uniform, 4 frames, LRU

For graphs of comparison between FIFO and LRU, run this command in Command Prompt or Powershell:

python comparisonGraphs.py

You will be prompted to “Enter number of pages:”. Enter number of pages of your choice. You will then be prompted to “Enter page reference string generation method (manual/uniform/gaussian):”. You can only type “manual” or “uniform” or “gaussian”

Two graphs will be displayed if the input is correct.

Sample input & output: 3 pages. Uniform.