
Python libraries for accessing Neustar's WPM API

Primary LanguagePython

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# WPM API Libraries
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These libraries provide an Object Oriented interface to Neustar's WPM APIs.
With these libraries you can create, modify, and delete objects on WPM.  
Objects such as: services, maintenance windows, and scripts.  Also, you can
pull data from monitoring services, RUM beacons, and load tests.  For more
information please see the API documentation at: 


More documentation coming soon!

Bugs in underlying API
This is a list of bugs or issues that I've seen in the underlying WPM API.

* The 'script' API service doesn't require the API version number whereas
  other API services (ex: 'monitor', 'rum') do.  This is being handled by
  my API classes but should be consistent across all calls to the API.

* The 'update' method for the 'script' API service requires that you include
  all the parameters that describe a script.  So, for example, if I just want
  to update the description of a script I have to start by getting the script
  and then modifying the description parameter and upload.  It would be
  preferred if I could just submit the description parameter, the API would
  update the description while leaving all other parameters as is.

* The 'delete' method for the 'script' API service doesn't return any data
  on success.  All other API calls return data indicating the result of the
  API call.

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