- 0
- 0
Error: main: reading root terraform module ".": Missing newline after argument: An argument definition must end with a newline.
#54 opened by mloskot - 0
What is status of this project?
#53 opened by mloskot - 1
Add Terragrunt support
#51 opened by rafaljanicki - 8
Feature request: Recursive mode
#47 opened by KTamas - 3
Incorrect "terraform FAILED" output when run against a directory which is not a terraform module
#34 opened by nk9 - 3
Improve failure message when .terraform.lock.hcl version is more than a major version out of date
#48 opened by azarudeena - 1
[TESTS] Implement testing
#46 opened by ryan-jan - 0
[DOCS] Write and setup mkdocs
#26 opened by ryan-jan - 1
- 0
[FEAT] Implement terraform core version check
#25 opened by ryan-jan - 0
[FEAT] Readme markdown table
#27 opened by ryan-jan - 4
- 6
Panic w/podman on Ubuntu
#16 opened by staranto