This is a simple but powerful rat made in c#.
The client runs in the background and it automatically copies it self to the startup.
If you want to run it correctly you will need to publish it in a single-file format otherwise you will need to remove the part where it copies to the startup.
Rat Help Menu >>
GetIp - Get the public ip of the target
ScanPort - Scan a specific port.
> FileLooker - Searches trough all the files in the target's computer from a given path and extension to look.
> FileStealer - Steals a file knowing it's path.
> FileSender - Send a file to the target.
> FileRemover - Remove a file from the target's computer.
> FileEncrypter:
1. simpleEncrypter - encrypt a file in the target's computer.
2. compuseEncrypt:
simple - encrypts the files from the starting path in the target's computer with an extension to look for and encrypt it (.pdf, .exe etc).
selective - encrypts all the files from the starting path in the target's computer (without an extension to look for).
> FileExecuter - Executes a file (must be an .exe).
ReverseShell - Begin a reverse shell with a limit of commands you can run.
DoS - Distrubing a website untill the client is closed (it runs in the background).
> '0' - Keyboard writer
> '1':
1. 'mouse-mover' - move the mouse position.
2. 'mouse-jiggler' - move the mouse for a certain amount of times in a random generated position.
ScreenShot - Take a screenshot from the target's computer.
WebPage - Open a webpage.