
The MediaWiki code powering the Team Fortress Wiki

Primary LanguageCSS

Team Fortress Wiki

Here lies the lil sprinklin' of config and extensions that turns MediaWiki into the Team Fortress Wiki.

The Dockerfile is our golden source of truth. It builds atop MediaWiki's own docker images, drops in our config and extensions, and exposes a few environmental variables to configure the site.

Running locally

The wiki can be ran locally via docker-compose:

  • Build a tfwiki/mediawiki:local image from source: make
  • Update your hosts file to map tfwiki.localhost to the host IP (presumably
  • Create .env file with the variables to configure your stack (cp .env.example .env; .env.example is pre-configured for running locally)
  • Generate some self-signed SSL certs: make certs
  • Bring up the stack! docker-compose up -d


Variable Default Associated MediaWiki variable Notes
DB_DB wiki $wgDBname
DB_HOST db $wgDBserver
DB_PASSWORD $wgDBpassword
DB_TYPE mysql $wgDBtype
DB_USER wiki $wgDBuser
EMAIL_EMERGENCY_CONTACT *Required with SMTP_** $wgEmergencyContact
EMAIL_PASSWORD_SENDER *Required with SMTP_** $wgPasswordSender
MEMCACHED_HOST $wgMemCachedServers
READ_ONLY_MESSAGE - $wgReadOnly If set, puts the Wiki into read-only mode with the given message.
RECAPTCHA_KEY Required $wgReCaptchaSiteKey Credentials for a ReCaptcha v2 Tickbox
RECAPTCHA_SECRET Required $wgReCaptchaSecretKey Credentials for a ReCaptcha v2 Tickbox
SECRET_KEY Required $wgSecretKey
SENTRY_DSN - Used to report errors to Sentry
SERVER_URL Required $wgServer
SITENAME Team Fortress Wiki $wgSitename
SMTP_AUTH - $wgSMTP['auth']
SMTP_HOST - $wgSMTP['Host']
SMTP_PASSWORD - $wgSMTP['password']
SMTP_PORT - $wgSMTP['port']
SMTP_USERNAME - $wgSMTP['username']
TRUSTED_PROXIES wiki.teamfortress.com, \$wgSquidServersNoPurge Can declare CSV. Make sure MediaWiki can properly resolve IP addresses through external load balancers
VARNISH_HOST varnish $wgSquidServers Can declare CSV. If this is blank and Varnish is used, MediaWiki won't purge items from the cache


tfwiki/mediawiki:[medawiki maj.min]-tfwiki[n]

We're not following semantic versioning or anything like that, because this is not a published package or product. It's being maintained in the open, but there's only one Team Fortress wiki y'know.

Anywho, before October 2020 we were being lazy with our releases. Soon as we were ready to migrate to the Cloud we tagged 1.0.0 and have just incremented the patch number ever since.

To introduce a bit more structure and clarity, from October 2020 onwards we'll follow MediaWiki's major.minor version, and then stick our own suffix on that to continue with our lazy incrementing strategy.