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ldc2 cross compiler for the Raspberry Pi

Docker image for cross compiling D code to Raspberry Pi OS with ldc2 or dub.

Also contains cross compiled versions of OpenSSL and zlib, which are dependencies of vibe-d.

Builds are available from Docker hub.


Pull the image from Docker hub:

docker pull reavershark/ldc2-rpi:armv7hf # Raspbery Pi OS 32-bit
docker pull reavershark/ldc2-rpi:aarch64 # Raspbery Pi OS 64-bit

The full list of tags is as follows:

  • armv7hf (latest, currently bullseye)
  • armv7hf-bullseye
  • aarch64 (latest, currently bullseye)
  • aarch64-bullseye

Or you can build the image yourself from this repo with a custom triple (takes a lot of time):

docker build -t ldc2-rpi --build-arg TARGET_TRIPLE=aarch64-linux-gnu .


Running ldc2:

docker run --rm -v "$(pwd)":/src reavershark/ldc2-rpi:armv7hf ldc2 app.d

Running dub build:

docker run --rm -v "$(pwd)":/src -v "$HOME/.dub":/root/.dub reavershark/ldc2-rpi:armv7hf dub build


Compiling and running the example code from run.dlang.io:

echo 'import std.stdio; void main() {writeln("Hello D");}' > app.d
docker run --rm -v "$(pwd)":/src reavershark/ldc2-rpi:armv7hf ldc2 app.d

scp app pi@raspberry:
ssh pi@raspberry
$ ./app
> Hello D

Compiling and running a minimal vibe.d http server with dub:

mkdir example && cd example
dub init -t vibe.d -n
docker run --rm \
  -v "$(pwd)":/src \
  -v "$HOME/.dub":/root/.dub \
  reavershark/ldc2-rpi:armv7hf \
  dub build

scp example pi@raspberry:
ssh pi@raspberry
$ ./example
> [main(----) INF] Listening for requests on http://[::1]:8080/
> [main(----) INF] Listening for requests on
> [main(----) INF] Please open in your browser.


Dub dependencies

Passing -v "$HOME/.dub":/root/.dub to docker run avoids redownloading and rebuilding dependencies.


After running dub or ldc2, permissions on all files created in /src and /root/.dub are set to the user who owns the /src directory (usually the user executing docker run).

Dynamic libraries

Cross-compiled libraries reside in /cross-libs/. You can easily add your own dependencies as volumes.

Example for adding the wiringPi library to a project: (outdated)

ssh pi@raspberry -t sudo apt install wiringpi -y
mkdir lib
scp pi@raspberry:/usr/lib/libwiringPi.so.2.50 lib/

docker run --rm \
  -v "$(pwd)":/src \
  -v "$HOME/.dub":/root/.dub \
  -v "$(pwd)"/lib/libwiringPi.so.2.50:/cross-libs/libwiringPi.so.2.50 \
  -v "$(pwd)"/lib/libwiringPi.so.2.50:/cross-libs/libwiringPi.so \
  ldc2-rpi:armv7hf dub build


Issues, suggestions and pull requests are always welcome!
