A small service to expose miner stats from NH to Prometheus.
You need node 12, start with npm i
and then node app.js
For setting the NH api keys you need to export NH_API_KEY="key"
and export NH_API_SECRET="secret"
before the service start.
You can reach the metrics on localhost:3000/metrics
For docker you can run;
docker run -e NH_API_KEY="key" -e NH_API_SECRET="secret" -e NH_API_ORG_ID="orgId" ghcr.io/tg44/nicehash-exporter
For docker compose;
version: '3.1'
image: ghcr.io/tg44/nicehash-exporter
restart: unless-stopped
- NH_API_KEY=key
- NH_API_SECRET=secret
- PORT=3000 #optionally you can override the port inside for dev reasons, default is 3000
- REFRESH_RATE_SECONDS=30 #optionally you can override the api poll rate, default is 30
- NODDE_METRICS_PREFIX=nh_ #optionally you can override the node system/app metrics prefix, default is empty
- NH_METRICS_PREFIX=nh_ #optionally you can override the NH metrics prefix, default is nh_
- NH_RATES=BTCUSDC,BTCEURS #optionally you can override the exported rates in a comma separated list of rates
- 3000:3000
- 2021.07.27.
- nh_total_btc modified to actually show the total money in btc for the account and not only just the total btc amount
- we will permanently move away from dockerhub, the latest images will be pushed, but the documentation and the other infos will only be updated here
- DH freeze the free builds, while GH-Actions not only build free, but gives us public repositories too
- 2021.06.19.
- due to changes on NH end, the orgId mandatory from now
- 2021.05.31.
- btc_usd_rate get renamed to btcusdc_rate due to the configurable rate list option
PRs are always welcome!
ETH: 0x58f2198cda7d6cac855dd3fa29abe67e98adb2cd
But, if you want to support my work in any way just send me an email ;) (You can find my email address in the git commit history.)